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About the program

Curated by Amanda + James Founding Directors Amanda Hameline and James Danner, Pollinate began its program of artistic exchange and interplay on January 12, 2021 with a single prompt sent to all 20 artists, who had been previously selected through an open call. Each artist created a piece in response to this prompt. For the remaining three weeks of the program, each member of the cohort received a new work from a fellow member to pollinate a forthcoming creation, forming a web of interconnected artistic impulses, media and exchange. Artists were required to ask one (and only one) question about the work they received. Besides that there were very few rules. 


In addition to providing these artists with creative and financial support, Pollinate was devised to encourage and develop multi-disciplinary interplay and spark new inspiration during a time of isolation and turmoil. It was also designed to help strengthen and question artistic instincts and practices. What happens when you receive work in a medium that is not typically a part of your practice? What are the benefits of working quickly? What do you lose? What are you drawn to and what do you want to throw away? And what happens when you create an answer and a question at the same time. 


The resultant 80 new works of art form the basis of the Pollinate digital gallery, a space for audiences to navigate this matrix of new work. We hope that as you move through the maze you will follow your own creative instincts, impulses and curiosity. Follow our "pollination chains" or jump around at will. Create your own experience. And let us know what you think. 

Learn more ... 

About the website

To enter the gallery, click on an artist on the Home page. This will open that artist's Week 1 creation. At the bottom of the page you can click "Pollinated" to navigate through the "Pollination Chain" to Week 2. This will take you to the work that was inspired by the Week 1 creation. A pop-up will open with the question that the creator asked the artist who inspired their work. Click "Repeat the Question" to view the question again. "About the Artists" provides each artist's bio and links to all four weeks of their new work. 


Honestly, it's simpler than it sounds. Just go click around. 


Want to see the full Pollinate matrix? Check out our map!

About you ...

We would love to know more! Use the contact form below to share your thoughts, ideas, responses, questions, critiques or musings on Pollinate. Would you like to start a conversation with a specific Pollinate artists? Let us know and we will connect you. 


Finally, are you feeling pollinated by all this? If you'd like to create your own piece in response to a Pollinate creation send it to and we will add it to the site! 

Contact Us

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